Hi, I’m Monica, a wife and mother who had to transform into an advocate overnight. I’ve learned to lean into God’s plan for us, even when it doesn’t make sense.

When our youngest son, Isaac, received a birth diagnosis of Down syndrome we were instantly catapulted into the disability community. Our entire family has learned to slow down and truly be present in the exact season God has placed us.

I have learned that God is so clear in His word that we are all designed in His image and our value does not come through our abilities or accolades, but when we were created, God declared us, "GOOD!" His word says we are fearfully and wonderfully made! We are made in His image, and we all have contributions we can make towards His kingdom.

As a mama, I am always learning how I can boldly advocate for myself, our family, and our health. I have found that community and sharing with others is a way we can lift each other up so no one feels alone. God never intended for us to live this life alone. He created community, church, friendships, and family so that we can take on whatever He has in store for us. 

I look forward to sharing all the things I am learning and products that you can utilize to help advocate for those around you. I will be sharing everything from therapy resources, children's books, and how God's word is speaking to my heart. I also will be sharing how you can talk to your kids and family members about how to care and love on others within the disability community. 

Disabilities are a normal part of an abnormal world. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey, you are loved immensely, and I pray that you always see Jesus in the details.